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Course Projects

One of my favorite classes in my final semester was Nonverbal Communication (COMM314). For the course, I wrote a popular press analysis paper. This involved analyzing a piece from a popular press source, such as a magazine or newspaper, and comparing it to two peer-reviewed journal articles. Below are the two parts of the PPA assignment. To the left is the proposal assignment in which I described a Huffington Post article about nonverbal attraction cues one can look out for on a first date. To the right is the finalized version including a literature review of a study about how smiles can affect approaching behavior and a study on how gazing - or staring into someone's eyes - behavior correlates to attraction. I chose nonverbal behaviors related to attraction because it was the unit that interested me the most. Click on the paper images to download either assignment and learn a bit about nonverbal communication. Enjoy!

Popular Press Analysis Proposal 

Submitted - March 31, 2019

Popular Press Analysis Final

Submitted - April 21, 2019

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